Anti-Vaxxers Are Furious Krispy Kreme Is Giving Free Donuts To Vaccinated People

Krispy Kreme graphic on its free donuts for vaccinations offer and Facebook comments

Photo via Krispy Kreme Doughnuts/Facebook

March 23, 2021, 12:50 pm

Krispy Kreme announced Monday that they would be giving out one free donut per day, per location, to people who presented their cards to prove that they had received the COVID-19 vaccine.

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Predictably, this has sent anti-vaxxers into a rage, because clearly not getting free donuts is a form of anti-anti-vaxxer oppression or something.


“Wow KK, I didn’t know you were discriminating against people who feel it’s their body, their choice to not get a rushed experimental shot from the government!?” wrote Lacey Stanton in a comment on Krispy Kreme’s Facebook announcement. “That’s like saying if you are straight you get a free donut! Disappointed.”

Krispy Kreme’s offer lasts through the entire year of 2021, or until they run out of donuts, giving anti-vaxxers plenty of time to change their minds if they’re really that desperate for a free $1 baked treat. Unfortunately, many of them don’t appear willing to do so, and have instead resorted to yelling at the company on the internet.



“Hey I took my vitamin C and Zinc as preventative. Do I get a free donut for doing my part as well?” asked Jael Rebecca. “Or is that only when it’s the preventative measures that the government pushes?”


To be clear, vitamin C and Zinc are not effective methods of preventing anyone from contracting COVID-19.

Others are trying to claim that Krispy Kreme is somehow demanding “proof of a medical procedure in order to procure services.” In reality, the company provides a product, not a service, and it’s certainly not an essential one. They’re also not denying anyone their product. Those without vaccine cards are welcome to pay for their donuts like they always have.

Then there are the “slippery slope” arguments.

“This is how conditioning with rewards works,” says Marian Winans. “Ask any animal trainer. First it’s the free rewards if you do something the trainer wants. Then they’ll withhold the reward if you fail to do what they demand. First, it’s voluntary (via the rewards system), then it’ll become mandatory if you want to step foot inside their business.”


Luckily for anti-vaxxers, other donut shops still exist. Luckily for the rest of us, there are plenty of Krispy Kreme commenters who are laughing at how absurd these folks are being over some free donuts.

“Oh my goodness the amount of unnecessarily angry anti-vaxxers on this post is discouraging,” wrote Marissa Elizabeth Cole. “Nobody is making you do anything. I, for one, am both excited for my government microchip nanobot poison vaccine AND my free doughnut.”


“A lot of y’all never got a free personal pan pizza when y’all were kids and it shows,” said Angela McCallister Huff.

We’re also happy to report that eating a donut every now and then, whether you paid for it or not, will not result in death via “obesity.” Chill out and enjoy some fried sugar bread.

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*First Published: March 23, 2021, 12:50 pm

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