February 21, 2022, 8:50 am
A religious zealot’s video praising his 21-year-old daughter for still being a virgin has people seriously creeped out.
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@davenewworld_2 shared the clip of Brent Williamson congratulating his adult daughter on remaining a virgin to Twitter last week. It isn’t immediately clear where the video originated, although both Williamson and his daughter maintain YouTube channels geared towards denouncing anything outside of their hyper-strict view of Christianity.
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“Hannah turned 21 last Sunday,” he said. “And no, she didn’t go to bars and party like the world and drink it up… She is still a virgin at 21 years old. See, with God, all things are possible. It is still possible in the evil generation that we live in that you can be 21, you can still be pure, you can still be holy, you can still keep yourself clean and unspotted. So here is a 21-year-old girl, totally virgin.”
As if that opening ramble isn’t deeply disturbing enough, Williamson goes on to describe what he means by “totally virgin,” while simultaneously berating other girls and women who let men touch them. (Of course, all the negativity here is aimed only at the women who “let” this happen, and not the men who do the touching in the first place.)
The remainder of the video is dedicated to denouncing “demonic” Hollywood, “cussing movies,” and committing suicide.
The damage done by “purity culture” in evangelical circles has been discussed widely with the rise of the internet, and those factors seem very much at play here. But usually, we’re dealing with pastors shaming women from the stage (or the internet, as the case may be), whereas this scenario of a dad on camera talking about his own daughter’s virginity definitely hits some additional major creep vibes.
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Either way, it’s creating unrealistic expectations and a toxic mindset based on judgment and arbitrary rules that don’t have any place in a forward-thinking society. If people want to stay virgins until they get married, that’s certainly their prerogative, but insisting it’s the only way to stay “unspotted” is just downright nasty.
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This also isn’t even the only time Williamson has “advertised” his daughter as a virgin, previously sharing on Facebook that she is available to speak at youth conferences, specifically making mention of her being an “example in purity.” You know, totally normal parental things to say about your kid that shouldn’t raise any red flags whatsoever.
*First Published: February 21, 2022, 8:50 am