February 15, 2022, 9:19 am
With a rise of anti-maskers and Karens and all sorts of other entitled customers plaguing retail and restaurants, those workers have put up with even more than usual the past few years. And that also means they’ve had to develop methods of dealing with these sorts of people to deescalate messy situations before they get too out of control.
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One T-Mobile employee is winning the internet’s respect after she displayed utter calm in handling a disgruntled customer who seemingly demanded attention.
@33myron captured the interaction, which showed a man in cargo shorts and without a mask on holding his phone up with the camera on, as if he was filming or planning to film the employees.
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It isn’t clear what caused the issue, but there clearly was one. An employee politely suggested to the man that they talk outside, which he said was fine. As he was closer to the door, he led the way — and the employee did not even hesitate as she closed the swinging door behind him and locked him out.
The clip wasn’t long enough to show what happened when the man realized what happened, but we can’t imagine it went well! Such a shame he couldn’t come back in to express his dissatisfaction.
Viewers found the deescalation tactic both bold and hilarious, and wasted no time in commending the employee for her quick thinking and composure.
“Literal proof of how retail workers handle de-escalation better than most high paying jobs,” wrote @asif.tv.
“She literally tricked him like you trick a dog,” @peachy_olive added.
@krirstenf outlined the likely chain of events, writing, “So he ignored the rules and went in recording, attempting to bait the staff into an argument that he undoubtedly would post online. Immediately no.”
“This is great, they’re like children,” @brittanywood84 replied. “Just be done with the interaction. They don’t need any extra attention.”
Retail workers, file this one away for the future and just lock these crazy Karens and Kens out.
*First Published: February 15, 2022, 9:19 am