Antioch Police Department
October 27, 2021, 8:04 am
A judge who forbids prosecutors from referring to people as “victims” at trial because the term is too loaded has given the okay for Kyle Rittenhouse’s lawyers to refer to the men he shot and killed as rioters or looters.
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Kenosha County Circuit Judge Bruce Schroeder made the decision during the pre-trial hearing earlier this week.
“Let the evidence show what the evidence shows, that any or one of these people were engaged in arson, rioting or looting, then I’m not going to tell the defense they can’t call them that,” he said.
Supporters of Rittenhouse, who killed two people and wounded another after crossing state lines with a gun to interfere with a Black Lives Matter protest, have long insisted that he was simply defending himself, while critics say roaming around the city with a gun and shooting unarmed protestors multiple times is hardly self-defense.
Thomas Binger, the assistant district attorney, has argued that Rittenhouse didn’t witness any arson or looting by his victims and therefore calling them that offers up a loaded term that creates a bias in the teen’s favor, while the double standard of not allowing the people he factually shot to be referred to as victims.
“Two of them can’t defend themselves…because the defendant killed them,” he said. “And it’s unduly prejudicial for the jury to be told about any of those things.”
Schroeder clearly disagreed, and his ruling is already causing people to be prepared for Rittenhouse to walk free following a trial stacked unfairly in his favor.
And the judgement of Schroeder himself is being heavily called into question.
There’s a lengthy thread diving into Schroeder’s history as a judge that doesn’t bode well for his impartiality as well.
At the very least, all of this is reminding people how important it is to research and vote for judges in local elections. But in terms of how this all ends for Rittenhouse — and the message it will send to other would-be rightwing vigilantes — those who want to see justice carried out aren’t feeling too hopeful.
*First Published: October 27, 2021, 8:04 am