Photo via North Charleston/Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA 2.0)
January 22, 2021, 12:34 pm
A day before she was spotted crying as her dad was kicked out of the White House, Ivanka Trump made the lofty claim that her “Farmers to Families” Food Box Program fed “3.3 billion families.” Impressive if true, but it’s a little hard to believe considering the fact that 3.3 billion is approaching half the human population of planet Earth.
Considering the fact that families often consist of more than two people, Ivanka essentially claimed that she fed more people than there are. Unless she’s counting the insect and rat families chewing on the corpses of the over 400,000 dead from COVID-19 in the U.S.?
Actually, it appears that what Ivanka likely meant to say is that the program fed 3.3 billion meals to families in the U.S. during the course of its existence, which she managed to say correctly on her Instagram post on the subject. Three days later, however, Ivanka has not bothered to delete or correct the double-take-worthy inaccuracy of her Twitter post. Maybe she’s too depressed.
The Food Box program was started by the USDA in 2020 in order to help feed struggling families during the pandemic. Ivanka jumped on the opportunity to take credit for these efforts by occasionally posting photos of herself holding the boxes.
It’s unclear where Ivanka even got the 3.3 billion statistic from, as the official USDA web page for the program does not currently make this claim. The total number of boxes they have distributed adds up to 132.8 million, and they don’t provide ready information into how many meals are contained in each box.
Regardless, the program will continue to feed people under the Biden administration (because it’s not actually directly tied to the Trumps) after additional funding was granted to them by the latest COVID stimulus package. They have promised to purchase $1.5 billion worth of food to deliver through April.
It’s unclear whether Ivanka will continue to attend photo ops with Farmers to Families now that her dad is no longer president, although she has indicated a desire to salvage her political career. If she wants to do so, however, she might want to get a handle on her recurring issue with numbers.
*First Published: January 22, 2021, 12:34 pm