February 4, 2021, 8:53 am
This week, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez went on Instagram Live and shared the terrifying story of her experience at the Capitol building on January 6th, when a mob of Trump supporters, spurred on by the former president, broke into the building with violent intent. Five people died that day, and AOC was certain she came close to being one of them.
Her belief seems to be backed up by evidence that some of the people in the crowd planned a coordinated attack on Congress, and things could have been much, much worse.
During her livestream video, AOC also came forward and said she was a survivor of sexual assault. She didn’t elaborate, but the congresswoman emphasized how people who have been abused understand that the narrative coming from the GOP to just “move on” from the Capitol riots are using abuser’s tactics.
There has been no significant accountability for the Republicans who encouraged the mob. Which means the right is taking a new approach and straight up calling AOC a liar:
Republican talking head Candace Owen posted photos of AOC crying at a fence on Twitter, and captioned them, “On a day in which #AlexandriaOcasioSmollett is trending, please never forget the time that @AOC staged a photoshoot dressed in all white at a parking lot to spread lies about immigrant children in cages. Faking her own attempted murder was the next logical step.”
Except these photos were not staged. The former director of the Office of Government Ethics Walter Shaub quote-tweeted Owens to say he was there, sharing additional photos he took that day:
AOC has also been batting back misinformation about the Capitol attacks and her physical location that day that is being circulated on Fox News:
As well as misinformation being spread by her own colleagues, who have reneged on what they previously said about the day in an attempt to discredit her:
The GOP has nothing to grasp onto so, as usual, they’re holding onto lies and conspiracy theories.
*First Published: February 4, 2021, 8:53 am