February 12, 2021, 9:48 am
This week, actress and former MMA fighter Gina Carano got fired from her sweet gig on The Mandalorian after posting some very questionable images. Carano is anti-mask and conspiracy-minded and had apparently been asked to tone it down a bit on social media.
But then she shared a strange story on Instagram that compared how conservatives are viewed today to how Jewish people were chased through the streets and murdered during the Holocaust.
This led to the hashtag #FireGinaCarano, and LucasFilms did.
Conservatives often argue that “cancel culture” is ruining America, so this has become a hot ticket subject. Did Carano deserve to be fired for her racist personal beliefs? Many threatened to cancel their Disney+ subscriptions.
Then they found an old Twitter post from Star Wars actor Pedro Pascal:

In the image Pascal shared, he is comparing the Holocaust to something, just like Carano. He’s comparing children being kept in cages…to children being kept in cages.
Conservatives don’t seem to have the brain space to see how this is different from comparing being murdered in the streets to being asked to have a modicum of dignity on Instagram by your boss, so now they’re trying to get Pascal fired, too.
This purely retaliatory move is being supported by Donald Trump Jr., who has probably run out of stuff to do since his dad got booted:
He’s also been making it into a gendered thing, because we all know how much Trump Jr. loves women, especially his own girlfriend.
I sincerely doubt this campaign will lead to any repercussions for Pascal, but it does give Donnie something to talk about besides his dad’s second impeachment trial.
*First Published: February 12, 2021, 9:48 am