Instagram/@marilynmanson, Instagram/@evanrachelwood
February 7, 2021, 8:38 am
Last week, Evan Rachel Wood finally announced to the world that the former abuser she’s spoken of on numerous occasions is her ex-boyfriend, Brian Warner aka Marilyn Manson.
While she’s given heart-wrenching details of the abuse she alleges she suffered at his hands over the years they were together, she’s now opening up about additional atrocities.
Wood says that a year ago, she filed a police report after finding out that Manson’s current wife, Lindsay Usich, was “conspiring to release photos of me when I was underage, after being given large amounts of drugs and alcohol, before Brian performed on Halloween in Las Vegas, to ‘Ruin my career’ and ‘Shut me up.’”
The Westworld actress shared pictures of the police report, screenshots of a Discord chat allegedly between Usich and someone named leslee_lane, and some of the photos in question.
According to Wood, multiple people drew on her face that night, and one picture shows her wearing Manson’s hat with a Hitler-style mustache.
“This is a part of the humiliation and blackmail,” she wrote.
Wood’s mother converted to Judaism and raised her children in the religion. Because of this, the actress says Manson used to call her “a ‘jew’ in a derogatory manner.”
“He would draw swastikas over my bedside table when he was mad at me,” she added, also alleging that he used “the n-word over and over.”
“Everyone around him was expected to laugh and join in. If you did not or (god forbid) called him out, you were singled out and abused more,” Wood wrote on Instagram. “I have never been more scared in my life.”
Wood’s decision to name Manson as her abuser has encouraged scores of other women to share their own experiences of abuse and harassment at the singer’s hands, with many of them noting that they were in their late teens or early 20s at the time, just as Wood was when she dated him.
For his part, Manson has broadly denied the allegations, writing everything off as simply another instance of how “my life and my art have long been magnets for controversy.”
“My intimate relationships have always been entirely consensual with like-minded partners,” he said.
Wood obviously disagrees, as do all the other women coming out against him.
“Brian and I never had a ‘BDSM’ relationship,” she wrote on Instagram. “We didn’t even have ‘kinky’ sex. We weren’t having sexual intercourse when I was being tortured, before or after. I thought I was going to die the entire time.”
*First Published: February 7, 2021, 8:38 am