A woman who was applying for a landscaping job received a letter saying that the job could only be handled by a ‘bodybuilder,’ which led her to write back an epic letter rejecting the company. Her brother then shared it on Twitter, and people across the platform are celebrating it.
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The tweet comes courtesy of the @dzzzny account on Twitter, merely identifying as “Dan,” with posts of the two screenshots telling “how it started” and “how it’s going.”
He introduced it, “The email my sister got from a landscaping company job she applied for vs. The one she sent back.”
The letter from “Mark” at the landscaping business informs Charlotte — Dan’s sister, who sought work with the company — that the position is still available but that she might not be qualified for it.
“Unless you are a bodybuilder,” Mark noted in his letter, “I fear that you will not be able to handle the work load (sic).”
Mark went on to describe his company as a “hard landscaping company” that was “physical and demanding.” Charlotte had some thoughts.
“Funnily enough,” she started in, “I probably have just as much bodybuilding experience as you do, which is none.”
She then mentions what she does have — years of experience landscaping, as well as building retaining walls in extreme heat while living in Australia. She then revealed that she did some research just to see how much of a “hard landscaping company” it really was.
“I have looked into your company before sending this email and assure you it would be no more challenging than the work I have completed before,” and then adding this dig: “as it was to a much higher standard than the work I’ve seen your ‘company’ produce.”
She went on to say, “However, what I do find challenging is working with small-minded individuals such as yourself that I could probably bench press five minutes after being woken up from a three-year coma.”
She clarified that she was no longer interested in the position, but wished them “well” by saying, “I’m sure you will have no problem finding the correct individual at your next visit to the bodybuilder convention.”
Opinions were split on Twitter. While some sided with Charlotte, observing that Mark was making a sexist assumption, others attributed Mark’s letter to a weird sense of humor, with one even reasoning that Charlotte wasn’t a fit for the company’s “workplace culture.”
Perhaps the best response of all, however, came from @kid_architect, who spun the whole saga into a rom-com plot.
“In the 90’s the story could have gone like this,” the tweet pitched. “Charlotte was furious, accepted the job offer and showed Mark what she could do. Brought together by a shared passion for landscaping and dubious masculinity, they fell madly in love and had a child, whom they named Gunthar.”
*First Published: July 30, 2021, 1:10 pm