QAnon Congresswoman Had Affair With “Tantric Sex Guru,” Then Gym Manager: Report

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene and tantric sex guru Craig Ivey

Photo via FYNTV FetchYourNews/YouTube (CC BY-SA 4.0), @the_tantric_warrior/Instagram

February 11, 2021, 1:57 pm*

While QAnon believers may feel betrayed by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene after she tried to distance herself from them, imagine how her husband must have felt when he learned that she cheated on him twice.


According to a Daily Mail report, Greene began her first affair in 2012 with someone they describe as a “tantric sex guru.” After that ended, she moved on to the manager of one of the gyms she worked in while married to her husband of 25 years, with whom she has three children.


Don’t worry too much about her husband, however, because it sounds like there was no way he didn’t know about it when it was happening.

“It wasn’t a secret,” said one man who worked with Greene. “Everyone who moved in her circles knew about both the affairs.”


“She was quite open about it,” said her former boss. “We all thought her marriage was falling apart. But then I took my son to her son’s birthday party and things seemed totally normal between her and her husband — even if they were a little lukewarm.”

Although these testimonies led the Daily Mail to describe the relationships as an “open affair,” Greene was clearly not pleased to see this information become available to the wider public.

“In response to’s request for comment, Taylor Greene called the story ‘ridiculous tabloid garbage spread by an avowed Communist,’ and ‘another attempt to smear my name because I’m the biggest threat to the Democrats’ Socialist agenda,'” they reported.

Contradicting her denials, neither of the men Greene allegedly cheated with denied the affairs, but adamantly refused to comment on the matter. The gym manager, Justin Tway, did have something to say about Greene herself, however.

“I have no interest in talking about anything to do with that woman,” he said. “Everything with her comes to no good.”


While many of Greene’s strongest critics are not fans of shaming women for having sex, she is facing many accusations of hypocrisy for framing herself as a “strong conservative Christian” whose alleged “family values” probably don’t have room for affairs, even if both spouses are okay with it.

Then there are the details about the sex guru, Craig Ivey, who is described as polyamorous and was photographed gassing up a car sporting a rainbow heart sticker. Even better is the one of him in a red hat that says “MADE YOU LOOK, BLACK LIVES MATTER” and a shirt depicting Neil deGrasse Tyson and Bill Nye as a presidential ticket.

And, of course, the joke potential is off the charts.





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*First Published: February 11, 2021, 1:56 pm

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