Tomi Lahren/Twitter
February 12, 2021, 11:34 am*
Right-wing commentator Tomi Lahren remains unconvinced of the case against former President Donald Trump in this week’s Senate trial for his second impeachment.
Though the impeachment has already technically happened via a House of Representatives vote on Jan. 13, and the current proceeding is the impeachment trial, Lahren is trying out a new portmanteau to characterize her feelings on the matter: Shampeachmnent.
In a tweet sharing her final thoughts on Fox Nation on Monday—rest assured, though, they are not really her final thoughts—she yelled a list of proclamations meant to make a case for Trump.
She noted, “Pointing out instances of potential voter fraud is not incitement: Fact! Instructing your supporters to, quote, peacefully and patriotically make their voices heard is not incitement: Fact!”
Then, ignoring the part of the impeachment managers’ case featuring Rep. Joaquin Castro’s (D-Texas), said, “You can’t incite something that was pre-planned: Fact! And lastly, you can’t impeach a president simply because you do not like him, and are terrified of his electoral comeback: Fact!”
That got some instant reactions on Twitter. While she didn’t quite fall into the Twitter ratio zone, there were certainly a lot of people who weren’t fans of “shampeachment” or the case she made.
Jay Black chided, “That’s not even good wordplay, Tomi.”
Another respondent exclaimed, “Oh! Oh! She’s live fake rage tweet clucking…now with finger-pointing.”
Someone else even got in a bonus dig at Aunt Jemima’s rebranding, observing, “Shampeachment? That’s almost as generic as Pearl Milling Company.”
Lahren doubled down on Wednesday, tweeting, “Imagine being such a DC swamp rat you think this SHAMpeachment trial matters to any everyday American outside of the trash bin that is liberal Twitter…”
Liberal Twitter responded! (Or, at least, Weird Names Twitter responded.)
A tweeter who chose @potatochipfarts as a username nevertheless made the cogent point, “It matters to everyday Americans because we had to endure four years of that psychopath, and we don’t want him to come back and do more damage.”
Another person, going by Gulag Hash Browns and @partyshirtless, observed, “SHAMpeachment is really bad, Tomi. I hope it didn’t take you long to come up with that. Although I bet you thought to yourself it was a real humdinger.”
Though it might be the work of a bot, the screenshot of Lahren’s infamous “love it or leave it” tweet from just last July came back to the surface. (The one that goes, “If you don’t like this country there are about 200 others to choose from. Pick one and leave.”)
Even someone admitting to agreeing with her on most things remarked, “You have to stop using nicknames like ‘SHAMpeachment’ and ‘LAMEstream media,'” adding, “It’s the cringiest shit ever.”
In other words: Though #shampeachment appears to be a mildly-used hashtag that a few RWNJs have picked up on, don’t expect it to enter the lexicon anytime soon.
*First Published: February 12, 2021, 11:33 am