February 16, 2021, 7:45 am*
Not many Republicans voted to impeach President Trump during his second trial, but those that did are now being seen as traitors by Trump’s loyal supporters, and sometimes even their families.
Senator Adam Kinzinger of Illinois was among the mere seven Republicans that voted for impeachment.
He looked at the overwhelming evidence against Trump, after the whole world saw him incite violence against those he considers “enemies” again and again, and chose country over party.
He stood by his vote, releasing a statement after Trump’s acquittal in which he insisted “the damage being done to the state of our republic and the democratic values we hold dear is unacceptable,” and added that he “will be looking at alternate options to ensure responsibility and accountability so that what happened on January 6, 2021, will never happen again.”
But even before that, Kinzinger was ostracized by members of his own family for his denouncement of Trump’s role in the Capitol riots.
His cousins even wrote a scathing and nonsensical letter to the Congressman berating him for joining “the devil’s army,” which was ultimately published by The New York Times.


The letter immediately calls Kinzinger a disappointment “to us and to God,” with his family members questioning how he could possibly call himself a Christian while standing against Trump—a peculiarity in a time when many have asked their fellow Christians how they can support Trump and his divisiveness and cruelty while calling themselves Christians.
“President Trump is not perfect, but neither are you or any of us for that matter! It is not for us to judge or be judged!” the letter reads, mere sentences after passing plenty of judgment on Kinzinger himself. “But he is a Christian!”
The letter also proclaims that “to embrace a party that believes in abortion and socialism is the ultimate sin”—something I don’t believe will be backed up by any translation of the Bible—and seems very, very concerned that Kinzinger has “lost the respect of Lou Dobbs, Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Greg Kelly etc. and most importantly in our book, Mark Levin and Rush Limbaugh and us!”
“You have embarrassed the Kinzinger family name!” the family members conclude. “We are not judging you. This letter is our opinion of you!”
The whole thing is an absolute doozy of contradictions, obvious confusion, and self-righteousness. And of course it ends with a note that President Trump has “done more for the American people in four years than you, the Rino’s, and Democrats have done in years!!”
It seems likely all the people who lost loved ones to COVID thanks to Trump’s unforgivable mishandling of the pandemic would disagree, to pick only one of the many groups negatively impacted by Trump’s joke of a presidency.
The letter drew quite a response on Twitter, and none of it was surprising.
The cousin who wrote it, Karen Otto, is so confident that she is on the right side of history that she actually sent copies of it to Republicans throughout Illinois, attempting to have Kinzinger “shunned,” according to her own words.
“I hold nothing against them, but I have zero desire or feel the need to reach out and repair that,” Kinzinger said of his cousins, who he believes have been brainwashed. “That is 100 percent on them to reach out and repair, and quite honestly, I don’t care if they do or not.”
*First Published: February 16, 2021, 7:33 am