Flickr/The White House/Carlos Fyfe
February 17, 2021, 12:29 pm
Believe it or not, there’s still a contingent of diehard QAnon followers who believe that Donald Trump is still secretly president and that actual president Joe Biden is merely a distraction so that the people won’t revolt while Trump does his thing.
Considering QAnon is based around beliefs that Democrats and “Hollywood elite” run a pedophile ring and sacrifice children to Satan, which sometimes involves eating babies, and that many of its followers have spent the last four years convinced Trump is playing some mastermind game of chess to achieve his goals, it’s not shocking that they’ve added further delusions to their list.
But apparently, President Biden boarding Air Force One is knocking a hole in their puppet president theory—as if it hadn’t already been run through a cheese grater a dozen times over.
Biden hopped on the plane to visit Milwaukee on Tuesday, which is his first official trip as President of the United States.
“Air Force One” isn’t an actual, specific plane. Rather, it’s the air traffic control signal used for any plane that’s carrying the president. At the moment, there are two planes that standby to take the sitting president wherever he needs to go—the “big” one the above tweet references, and a smaller plane Biden has already used to travel to his home state of Delaware.
But because Biden initially used the smaller plane to travel, those diehard QAnoners counted it as evidence in favor of their theory that Biden is not actually the acting president.
The whole thing goes right alongside their outlandish theory that Biden’s White House is actually a movie set.
But now they are having to reckon with the truth of Biden flying on the “big” Air Force One, although some are reportedly already coming up with ways to work around all the inconvenient truths to cling tightly to their crazy conspiracy theories.
While there are definitely instances of QAnon followers being deprogrammed and coming back to reality, for the most part, the internet doesn’t know what else to do at this point besides make fun of the absolute absurdity of all of this mess.
Sometimes, the simplest answer is the true answer: President Biden was on Air Force One because he is, in fact, the President of the United States.
*First Published: February 17, 2021, 12:29 pm