Photo via @classiclib3ral/Twitter
February 26, 2021, 2:52 pm
Sometimes it seems like the political right spends a bit more time on attempting to upset liberals or whoever they think is on the left than they do on promoting actual policy positions, and yes, that is an understatement. One recent Twitter post outlined just how far online conservatives are going lately in order to try and “own” the “libs,” and where it’s going is in a really bizarre direction.


Twitter user Wild Geeters includes just a few examples, including the idea that liberals would be “triggered” by grated cheese, bikinis, bikinis and straws, and for some reason we cannot figure out, “#FartingBigfoot.”
Commenters provided their own examples, including the man who thinks that liberals hate big hats.
The far-right has something of a history of engaging in extreme weirdness either as a way to confuse outsiders, in the fashion of 4chan memes with creepy frogs and whatnot, or just because they think everyone to the left of center is offended by everything.
Recently, conservatives lost their mind over a rebranding of the Mr. Potato Head toys to simply “Potato Head,” and even though nobody specifically asked for this, assumed that it happened because liberals were “offended” by a plastic potato for toddlers.
This kind of right-wing hysteria has led to tweets like the one from the Twitter user whose handle is a more vulgar form of “Doompenis,” which has become the new copypasta.
“This GIF is your weapon against SJWs,” he tweeted without irony as far as we can tell. “This GIF is now your banner. It is SJW-Bane, like a cross against vampires (which SJWs are, leaches trying to suck the life out of our culture and sap our freedom). Use this GIF to drive them insane. It epitomizes everything they despise!”
This was included with a gif of a woman in a bikini dancing around having a good time, which is confusing because it’s typically conservatives who disapprove of women showing skin or enjoying themselves. Of course, now there is a trend of posting the same text with a whole variety of very strange gifs.
It’s gotten to the point that it’s sometimes impossible to tell if someone really thinks they “owned the libs” with something or if it’s some kind of meta-joke so convoluted that future archeologists will never be able to unravel it.
Like, what even is this?
*First Published: February 26, 2021, 2:52 pm