Photo via @peltzmadeline/Twitter
February 18, 2021, 3:04 pm
After the passing of far-right radio personality Rush Limbaugh from lung cancer, many of his conservative friends went on air to tell stories about him in remembrance, as people tend to do.
Unfortunately, one of those people was former Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani, who is maintaining his reputation as the world’s biggest walking disaster after his failed attempts to overturn the 2020 election.
Giuliani appeared as a guest on the “news” show of fellow far-right bigot Steve Bannon and told a story that was caught by Madeline Peltz of Media Matters and shared because suffering loves company.
According to Giuliani, he was golfing with Limbaugh one day and there was a whole lot of paparazzi around, which the late radio host apparently hated. Rush assumed they were there for Giuliani due to the aforementioned walking disaster thing, asking the lawyer “what did you do now?”
“‘I know you’re famous, but can’t you tell them to stay away?'” Giuliani said, quoting Limbaugh.
However, once they got up to the green, they found that it wasn’t the Trump lawyer that the paparazzi were interested in — at least according to Giuliani’s worldview.
This is where the story gets super gross.
“So, on the green is Michelle Wie, and she’s getting ready to putt,” says Giuliani, referring to professional golfer Michelle Sung Wie West. “Now, Michelle Wie is gorgeous, she’s six feet, and she has a strange putting stance. She bends all the way over and her panties show.”
We’d like to take a moment to apologize for making you read that, but Giuliani said the word “panties” at least two more times during this segment.
“And the press was going crazy,” he continued. “They were following her all around because they were trying to take pictures of her panties. And I said, ‘Roger, it’s not me, it’s not you, it’s her panties.'”
Steve Bannon isn’t exactly someone you could call a feminist, but he becomes visibly uncomfortable and seems disapproving as the story unfolds, clearing his throat at one point, as does the other guy. Neither of them laugh as Giuliani cracks up over his own story about a woman’s underwear.
“Is that okay to tell that joke? I’m not sure,” Giuliani says before continuing to chuckle.
“We already told it, so, uh, I dunno,” says Bannon with a fake laugh, clearly regretting his decision to bring Captain Disaster onto his show. Seemingly oblivious to the regret radiating from the other two men, Giuliani cackles once again before the video clip mercifully ends.
If you hated that, you’re not only in the company of Steve Bannon, but just about everyone else on the planet.
*First Published: February 18, 2021, 3:04 pm