Photo via @ariehkovler/Twitter, @TheUSASingers/Twitter
February 17, 2022, 2:40 pm
A new Republican candidate for the governor of Georgia has entered the ring ahead of the gubernatorial election in November of this year to challenge the let’s say controversial incumbent, Brian Kemp, and her new campaign slogan is raising eyebrows all the way to Alaska. The candidate, Kandiss Taylor, certainly got attention with a photo of her posing next to her campaign bus sporting the bold slogan in all capital letters: “JESUS, GUNS, BABIES.”
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We can only assume that she’s in favor of all three of these items, though you’d be hard pressed to find anyone who is anti-baby, and the juxtaposition of two rather peaceful subjects on either side of “GUNS” is causing a widespread case of psychic whiplash.
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We can also assume that she’s not using the word “guns” as a verb, as in “Jesus guns down babies,” and we absolutely do not recommend that anyone insert the word “down” onto her campaign bus, either in the photo or otherwise. Taylor herself tweeted out a slightly different version of this slogan to confirm that she doesn’t think Jesus wants to shoot your baby.
Still, it remains unclear exactly what she wants from babies.
Taylor does not appear to have any prior political experience outside of running for the U.S. Senate in 2020, perhaps hoping to ride on QAnon, Big Lie fervor like Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene in order to get into power. Local news sources describe her as an “educator” who announced her candidacy for governor way back in February 2021, clearly attempting to capitalize on Donald Trump’s attacks on Kemp after he refused to overturn his state’s election results at the former president’s request.
WTOC reported that she claimed to be “running to clean up election fraud” during her announcement.
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“Georgia is begging for an alternative,” she said. “They want an alternative who’s going to represent them. I know I’m not a sellout and that I can do it.”
On her official campaign website, Taylor claims to be “the only candidate fighting for election integrity.” She also declares herself to be opposed to Critical Race Theory in schools (where it doesn’t exist outside of law school) as well as comprehensive sexual education and, for some reason, “Social Emotional Learning.” According to the website, her experience includes jobs as “a 3rd grade teacher, school counselor, testing coordinator, student services coordinator, and homeless liaison” over 19 years.
However, none of that seems to be as interesting to people as the campaign slogan as “Jesus Guns Babies” trends on Twitter.
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*First Published: February 17, 2022, 2:40 pm