Photo via @VaughnHillyard/Twitter, @sentedcruz/Instagram
March 12, 2021, 2:51 pm
Senator Ted Cruz of “flying off to Cancun while his constituents froze in the dark” fame is producing paid ads and sending out emails to let people know that for a contribution of $60, you can get a $5 Dr. Seuss book signed by him.
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The ads warn that “the far left is trying to ‘CANCEL’ Dr. Seuss” after the publisher that prints the books independently decided to retire some of the most racist ones without anyone having to ask them to.
“As someone who has always been a big fan of Green Eggs and Ham, I won’t let that stand,” Cruz says. “So please rush an urgent Contribution of $60 and I’ll sign a copy of Green, Eggs, and Ham [sic] just for you!”
Not only did Cruz not write any Dr. Seuss books, making it weird for him to sign them, Green Eggs and Ham (which contains no commas) was not one of the books that were retired. Since it doesn’t contain any imagery which could be considered racist, it seems unlikely that it will be any time soon, especially since exactly zero people have called for it.
Of course, Cruz and his Republican cohorts have never let a silly thing like logic stand in the way of a grift.
The email also seems to reveal that Cruz, or at least his probably underpaid staffers, can’t seem to decide whether the whole “cancel culture” thing is a joke to them or not. After arguing that “cancel culture is completely off the rails,” he takes a moment to warn that no, seriously, it really is bad.
“All jokes aside, it’s a huge red flag about the dangerous path our nation is headed down,” the email reads.
“Your support will help us fight back against the ‘woke’ mob in our country and the Democrats doing their bidding in Washington. Every contribution makes an impact.”
Again, neither Democrats nor anyone to their left asked the Dr. Seuss publisher to retire some of their books, even if they do think it’s probably for the best. They are, however, taking this opportunity to make as much fun as possible of Ted Cruz, as well as call on the Seuss estate to sue him.
*First Published: March 12, 2021, 2:51 pm