October 12, 2021, 7:31 am
In case you missed yesterday’s unexpected internet dust-up, it involved the fallout of some guy from Barstool Sports trying to get internet clout by harassing John Cusack, and the whole thing backfiring spectacularly.
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But rather than take the obvious L and let it go, Dave Williams doubled down and threw a temper tantrum on Twitter, which is…exactly where one would expect this story to go.
Williams had a friend follow him with a camera as he confronted Cusack for showing up at a White Sox game when the actor has had the nerve to root for the Chicago Cubs in the past. His attempt to gatekeep sports from someone who’s been a White Socks fan probably for longer than he’s been alive didn’t work out so well, but Cusack kept his cool and tried to part ways amicably.
Of course, the whole point was for Williams to go viral, so the video was uploaded and the mission was accomplished.
But an irritated Cusack fired back online — as did many others who found Williams’ whole schtick embarrassing — and pretty soon, Williams was completely losing it in front of thousands of people on the internet.
In an attempt to rewrite the narrative, Williams also offered a video with his “final thoughts” on the situation.
“I walked up to John Cusack…and said, ‘You’re on my ban list.’ Obviously, the ban list is a joke. I am not the gatekeeper of White Sox fandom. It’s more of a way, originally, to tell White Sox fans to f—k off when they said the rebuild was an abject failure, which it never was,” he said.
He went on to recount why he has beef with Cusack and talk about how irritated he is with him before continuing: “I was having fun with it and busting his balls. He took it f—king seriously…It is what it is. Cusack, he can suck my balls. I don’t care. He’s taking it way too seriously. I was just f—king around.”
Most people wouldn’t consider walking up to a stranger with a camera in tow to berate him just “having fun,” nor does throwing a hissy fit on the internet afterwards really give off that vibe.
Williams also claimed that the confrontation wasn’t for clout and that he would have done the same thing without a camera around, which certainly begs the question of why he filmed it in the first place. You can really only twist your narrative so far after the fact.
*First Published: October 12, 2021, 7:31 am