Jordan Klepper From The ‘Daily Show’ Torched Anti-Vaxxers With Logic At NYC Rally

August 24, 2021, 12:42 pm

The Daily Show’s Jordan Klepper, who has garnered a reputation for confronting and humiliating Trump fans in public spaces. On Monday night’s show, he turned his wit on an anti-vaccine rally that took place outside New York mayor Bill de Blasio’s home.

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The rally took place last week, and was in response to the mayor’s order that proof of vaccination would be required for entry to New York City’s indoor dining establishments, any indoor entertainment centers such as concert halls and museums, and fitness facilities and gyms.


Klepper focused on the absurdity of the anti-vax stance and the people who attended the rally: “It was a mix of hardcore anti-vaxxers, people who are okay with vaccines but hated the mandate and then, of course, some people who put together a Joker costume once, loved the attention, so now that’s pretty much all they do,” Klepper said.

He asked rally-goers to explain their position and being told some wild stuff. One woman wearing a shirt that said “F*CK CANCEL CULTURE” tried to explain to Klepper how vaccine mandates are both fascist and communist.

“Maybe you can help me out,” Klepper said to her. “I’m seeing signs that say, ‘Vaccine Mandates Are Fascism,’ and also signs that say, ‘Vaccine Mandates Are Communism.’ Which one is it?”

“It’s both,” she replied.

“It’s both? Those are diametrically opposed ideologies,” he said.

“I don’t think it’s communism—I think it’s more like a dictatorship, like we’re living in a Nazi Germany and the only thing that’s missing is the camps and the gas,” she argued.

“That’s what’s happening right now? Because you can’t go to a concert?” Klepper asked in bewilderment.


“I can’t go to a concert…I can’t go to a gym…” she said.

“Do you think that’s what it was like in Nazi Germany? People were bitching about not going to a gym?” Klepper responded.

One man complained that he was unable to get his favorite food inside of the restaurant because he won’t get the vaccine, to which Klepper said it was a pretty good thing New York City has tons of meal delivery options.

Klepper also had an exchange with Edwin De La Cruz, who is running for New York City Council as a Republican.

“The science is still new. We still have question marks. We rushed the science,” De La Cruz argued of vaccines.

“We were moving at warp speed…so Donald Trump rushed it,” Klepper responded. De La Cruz denied that Trump had anything to do with rushing the vaccine, so Klepper asked who was responsible.

“How about we change places and I start attacking you?” De La Cruz asked Klepper when he could not come up with an answer.

Folks on Twitter were not surprised but still kind of gobsmacked.


The whole segment just demonstrated how depressing and bizarre the whole anti-vax situation is, but hopefully now that the Pfizer vaccine has FDA approval, some of those anti-vaxxers might change their minds. Or probably just say they don’t trust the FDA. Or that the FDA approval was rushed. Or that the FDA is run by lizard people.

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*First Published: August 24, 2021, 12:42 pm

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