October 11, 2021, 5:32 am
Lin Wood is an attorney who helped lead the MAGA deplorables’ efforts to overturn the 2020 Presidential election results. The Trump loyalist, however, was apparently not content with his well-earned status as a seditionary. Lin wanted to take it to the next level—which he did, by announcing that 9/11 was faked using CGI and missiles. The clip, posted by the Republican Accountability Project, is quickly going viral.
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Specifically, Wood claims that the planes that hit the Twin Towers were not real, but were computer-generated images. A missile, he says, was fired at the Pentagon in order to obliterate a building containing financial records of “missing” trillions of dollars. The idea is that the “missing” trillions were either misappropriated and “lost” by the government, or else they were “stolen.”
At a Georgia rally last Friday, Wood pushed the issue, demanding, “Let’s talk about CGI—computer graphics [sic] generated images. You know what CGI is? You know what deep fake videos are? I know you know what Photoshopping is.”
After melodramatically intoning, “There. Are. No. Coincidences,” Wood rambled on: “If George Bush 43 is not already in hell, he needs to go to jail before he goes to hell, because he is a criminal.” Is Wood so busy being a seditionary that he … doesn’t know whether W. is still alive?
It’s almost enough to make you wonder if he’s been hitting the Scotch with Rudy “See If I’m Drunk” Giuliani, another feculent seditionary who has said remarkably similar things.
New Yorkers, as usual, had exactly the right response:
We love you, NYC.
*First Published: October 11, 2021, 5:32 am