TikToker Bethy Red posts a lot of content about fashion and working out on her popular account, but one of her most recent posts has garnered millions of views more than usual. Bethy shared a clip she caught while filming one of her workouts for her blog in which some random woman decided to question the influencer on why exactly she was filming herself.
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Bethy has very kindly censored the woman’s body and face so we can’t see what she looks like, but we can sure hear her. In a high-pitched, condescending voice, she asks Bethy, “Girl, what are you doing? Are you taking videos of yourself?”

“Yah?” Bethy replies.

The woman is incredulous, and Bethy confirms she is again.

“Well why?” the woman asks, like there’s no reason why Bethy would want to record herself.

She even says, “For your own documentation or what?” like she’d never want anyone else to see it.

“For my blog,” says Bethy.

Then the woman laughs at her. Bethy doesn’t respond, though it seems like the woman wants a fight, because she laughs at Bethy.

“Well have fun,” the woman says, before finally getting the hell out of her.

“Thanks,” says Bethy, taking the high road.

The whole thing is just a little seminar on how to deal with jerks:
The comments are very supportive of Bethy, telling her that this woman has a nasty spirit and she doesn’t:

But the comments are also full of people demanding that Bethy expose the woman’s identity, which seems to be the antithesis of who she is as a person:

And she made a follow-up video asking her followers to stop looking for the offender, and sending death threats to random people:
“I didn’t reveal [the identity] to make justice for myself,” she says. “I didn’t know TikTok was this intense, and when people said ‘pull up’ and ‘beat her up,’ I thought people were joking.”
She adds that if “somebody is mean to you, for whatever reason, show empathy and show kindness.”
If you’re a real fan, you’ll take her message to heart.
*First Published: August 14, 2021, 9:24 am