Screaming Anti-Vaxxer Claims Local Board Of Supervisors Will ‘Open A Pit Of Hell’ With Vaccines, Mask Mandates

Anti-vaxxers have gotten to the point where sometimes you have to wonder if we’re all just being punked. It’s as if they’re going out of their way to seem increasingly more and more unhinged because their normal levels of absurdity aren’t enough to go viral anymore because there are other anti-vaxxers outdoing them every single day.

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The latest to kick things up a notch was a man by the name of Matt Baker who spoke out against both vaccines and masks at a San Diego Board of Supervisors, throwing out accusations of Nazism as he insisted they were “about to open a pit of hell.”

Baker spent his entire rant against the board screaming into the microphone.


“You know, as the population who’s in control, you know as politicians—once you get a power, you never relinquish it!” he screeched at those in the local government. “Do you think that the four feet of marble that holds you above, high in this chamber will help you from the fate of humanity, which you are unleashing?”

He went on to yell that their “children’s children will be subjugated.”

“They will be asked: ‘How many vaccines have you had? Have you been a good little Nazi? Heil Fauci! Heil Fauci! Heil Fauci!’” Baker screamed, his face turning purple. He ended his performance by claiming the group is in violation of the Nuremberg  Code against unethical human experimentation.

As one could guess from the cheers accompanying his tantrum, Baker was far from the only person to speak out against COVID safety measures at the meeting, which lasted four and a half hours and featured at least 120 people offering up their opinions. 

And while not everyone was quite as intense about it as Baker was, the messaging was similar. So now the rest of us are left here continuing wondering not only how we fight our way out of a pandemic with part of the country still acting like petulant children, but how we ever really come back from this.


One repeated problem with meetings like this is that people are given a platform that allows them to state misinformation or straight-up lies as facts, without being challenged. These things then go viral and those who are primed to believe them do. 

Doctors and other medical professionals are doing their best to cut through the noise and correct the incorrect statements specifically from the San Diego Board of Supervisors, but as long as they aren’t yelling incoherently into a microphone, their good intentions will never help their facts go anywhere near as viral as something so outrageous.

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*First Published: August 20, 2021, 6:41 am

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