Photo via @imnotcryingshutup/TikTok
October 7, 2021, 1:00 pm
A TikTok video is going viral after user Kelley Mills confronted an anti-vaccine protester in her neighborhood who was flying a massive Nazi flag with the swastika made out of syringes and claiming that it was okay for him to do so because he wanted attention. The video begins with Mills pulling up to the small anti-vaxxer rally and expressing utter disbelief in what she was seeing so close to her own home.
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“Okay, this is not… this is not happening,” she says. “This is not happening in my neighborhood. This is not happening! No!”
It then cuts to Mills getting out of her car, muttering to herself about how she’s just going on a walk and how stupid this all is. As she approaches the anti-vaxxers, it becomes clear that someone has beat her to the punch, and a voice can be heard yelling about a “Nazi flag” and cussing out the man holding it.
When Mills’ turn comes, she tries to have a reasonable conversation with the anti-vaxxer, and it goes about as well as you would expect. When she points out that being pro-life and anti-vaccine is a contradictory position, he tries to claim that somehow “big pharma” has brainwashed us all into thinking that holding both these beliefs is hypocritical. Then it gets utterly incomprehensible.
“People say the polio vaccine saved lives and got rid of polio, let me throw this out there, how many people do you know who have died of cholera?” he asked. “None. Not around here, not in the U.S.A. It’s not because of the cholera vaccine, which does exist. It’s because we don’t defecate in our water anymore.”
If you’re confused at this point, you are not alone.
“I see no correlation between that and COVID-19, but go off,” says Mills.
It remains unclear what point the Nazi flag guy thinks he was making there, but the reason polio was nearly eradicated in the U.S. (until anti-vaxxers brought it back) was due to massive efforts to vaccinate every person against the virus until it had nowhere left to spread. This is how herd immunity happens, but only if almost everyone is vaccinated. Cholera, meanwhile, is caused by a bacteria and not a virus and can therefore survive outside of an animal body for long periods of time, especially in water. Though there is a vaccine, its effectiveness is significantly lower than that of the polio vaccine and only lasts for up to five years.
If Nazi flag man had done his research like he claimed, he might have known that before comparing a bacterium to a virus.
“Did you study science in college or are you a doctor?” Mills asks him.
“Oh, I try to educate myself,” says the man, predictably.
“But did you go to medical school?”
“No, and I would never go to a big pharma medical school.”
The man then encourages Mills to “go onto YouTube” for research, which Mills laughingly dismisses.
“I’m not gonna go do research on YouTube for something that is so out of your realm of knowledge,” she says.
Mills then confronts the man on his flag, asking if he understands how “offensive and messed up” it is to display a Nazi flag like that. He then claims that the Nazi government in Germany mandated vaccines, which is probably true because every nation that conceivably could do that at the time, including the U.S., was doing it as a matter of public health, and they still do it today.
“Are you guys just like intentionally trying to be provocative?” asks another individual off-screen.
“Oh, of course!” admits the Nazi flag dude. “Just like everybody, if you want to be heard you can’t just sit there and hide.”
Mills points out that you can not hide and also not fly a swastika flag at the same time, and the video ends with him accusing her of trying to “drag” him into a “police state.”
*First Published: October 7, 2021, 1:00 pm