Photo via @PatHerrity/Twitter
February 16, 2022, 11:30 am
Right-wing folks in Virginia were rather offended by a single small, unassuming sign in the Langley High School library in Fairfax County which labeled a display of often-banned books including Maus and entries on racism and queer issues as “stuff some adults don’t want you to read.”
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There is absolutely no lie to be found in this brief statement—it wasn’t long ago when news broke that conservatives were trying to ban Maus for some illustrated nudity and swears, and Republicans have been trying to ban books on race and anything about the existence of LGBTQ+ folks the whole time.
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Yet some whiny posts from right-wing parents and Springfield District Supervisor Pat Herrity resulted in the school apologizing for trying to get kids to read more by calling out the fact that there are adults out there who would very much prefer they didn’t.
In addition to Maus, the display features Gender Queer by Maia Kobabe and Roots of Racism by Kelly Bakshi. “Wrong on so many fronts,” tweeted Herrity without explaining what about the sign or display was incorrect.
Despite it being completely true, the school ended up apologizing for the existence of the sign, likely made either by some hero librarian or an awesome high school student.
“The sign was incongruent with the beliefs of our school and our school division,” said Principal Kimberly Greer in an email. “Poor judgment was used in its display and for this, I take full responsibility.”
Local conservative parents invented the idea that the sign was meant to be an “FU” to them specifically or to all parents as they worked to prove the sign to be absolutely right, with commenters leaving advice for how parents can get more books banned.
The tweet from Herrity in particular caught the attention of people who are against banning books as they proceeded to flood his mentions with criticism and mockery. Herrity may be one of the most conservative members of the local Board of Supervisors, being the only one to vote against requiring government contractors hired by the county to pay their workers a prevailing wage—defined as the average standard wage for someone in a particular field of work.
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Though the position may be non-partisan, it’s clear where Herrity has placed his allegiance.
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*First Published: February 16, 2022, 11:30 am