Derrick Smith via u/Sayl02/Reddit
April 1, 2022, 7:39 am
The healthcare system in the United States is in a tragic state. Insurance is tied to jobs, and can be complicated and frustrating to navigate, especially in dire circumstances. Even with insurance, people can find themselves hit with hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical fees for an ongoing or life-threatening condition. Trying to stay alive can wipe out an entire life’s savings or send people straight into bankruptcy. To say it’s bleak is likely an understatement.
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It’s nothing new, but it’s a conversation we keep having because nothing ever changes. And now a doctor’s recollection of his patient’s last words is driving it home all over again.
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“‘Who’s going to pay for it?’ Last words I’ll never forget // the response my patient gasped out (between labored breaths) to me and my team, after we explained that he needed to be intubated and placed on a ventilator,” Derrick Smit wrote. “Next-level heartbreak = having to hear a dying patient use his last words to worry about healthcare finances.”

The story resonated with Americans who are sick of demanding better from our government and society and being ignored.
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Others had their own depressing stories to share.
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But this is the greatest country in the world, right?
*First Published: April 1, 2022, 7:39 am