November 16, 2020, 2:59 pm
In 2016, former First Lady Michelle Obama had to watch as Donald Trump spread racist lies about her husband and then watch as he won the election in spite of losing the popular vote. Still, she and Barack dd what they had to do for the health of the nation, welcoming the Trumps into the White House and doing everything they could to prepare the incoming couple for the extremely important work they had ahead of them.
Now that the shoe is on the other foot, with the vast majority of major news networks projecting that Joe Biden won as many Electoral College votes as Trump did four years ago, the Trumps are rejecting this duty, and Michelle isn’t having it.
In a lengthy Instagram post, Michelle Obama wrote on how even though it was hard emotionally, she and her husband worked with the Trump team every step of the way.


“So my husband and I instructed our staffs to do what George and Laura Bush had done for us: run a respectful, seamless transition of power—one of the hallmarks of American democracy,” she wrote. “We invited the folks from the president-elect’s team into our offices and prepared detailed memos for them, offering what we’d learned over the past eight years.”
She further explained that she felt she had an obligation to help the people who had launched such offensive attacks against her and Barack “because our democracy is so much bigger than anybody’s ego.”
Unfortunately, Donald Trump and his shrinking group of close allies don’t seem to feel the same way. Not only has Trump refused to concede, continuing to declare victory on Twitter, his administration has refused to take any steps toward beginning the essential transition of power process that has taken place after every election for centuries.
This process includes everything from knowledge on how to survive being part of a presidential family to essential security briefings for the incoming president that really shouldn’t be rushed. Making this transition smooth is part of what makes a democracy, which the U.S. definitely is, stable and secure, as Obama explains.
“Our love of country requires us to respect the results of an election even when we don’t like them or wish it had gone differently—the presidency doesn’t belong to any one individual or any one party,” she says. “To pretend that it does, to play along with these groundless conspiracy theories—whether for personal or political gain—is to put our country’s health and security in danger.”
As the strong majority of the nation’s population has accepted Joe Biden as the next president and is tiring of the Trump tantrum, Michelle Obama’s reasoned words come as a breath of fresh air.
“Maturity, intelligence, class, compassion and humility,” wrote on Instagram commenter. “It’s been sorely missed for these past almost 4 years.”
“Thank you for the example you provided for what a real President and First Lady do during a time like this,” said another.
Maybe just skip Melania and have Michelle do it for a more deserving family.
*First Published: November 16, 2020, 2:59 pm