January 19, 2021, 6:57 am
MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell is having a rough month.
Not only are Americans boycotting his company after he was caught carrying documents into his meeting with President Trump that seemed to suggest implementing martial law to retain the presidency, but retailers are dropping his products as well.
In an interview with a conservative media company, Lindell admitted that Bed Bath & Beyond, Kohl’s, Wayfair, and HEB are all refusing to sell his pillow anymore.
He also used the same interview to double down on his stances, pleading with companies not to listen to the “evil left.”
“If you’re a business owner out there, don’t believe in those little bots and trolls,” he said. “This is the evil left! This is the evil, crazy left, deep state or whatever it is.”
He continued: “This isn’t a politician thing of Democrat, Republican. This is what… part of the thing attacking our country… you know, this is, uh, this is, the communism coming in, basically,”
Of course, it’s actually capitalism. People don’t want to support a company with a CEO pushing to destroy our democracy, and as a response to that demand, other companies cut their ties so they don’t get dragged down with him.
Lindell may well regret where this interview took him next. He lamented that his friends were being gone after by “the machine people,” apparently referring to some of the lawsuits that have been threatened by Dominion Voting Systems against high profile figures and companies pushing the claim that their machines were rigged to purposely change votes from Trump to Biden.
There has been absolutely no proof of that sort of fraud — much like there’s no proof of any widespread election fraud — yet Trump supporters continue to claim it as true.
“I welcome them to come after me, because I’ve got all the evidence that we’ll finally see it, right?” Lindell said, presumably trying to claim he somehow has proof of widespread fraud that nobody has actually been able to produce in the dozens of failed court cases filed on Trump’s behalf.
It has since been made public that Dominion is, in fact, threatening to sue Lindell over the claims he has made.
People watching the rambling, incoherent interview didn’t know what to make of much of it.
“This guy was literally advising Trump in the White House two days ago,” said u/meezajangles. “Americans, your country is kinda messed up.”
“Man, the ‘f—k your feelings’ crowd really has all the feels now. This is like Hawley being butthurt cuz publishers decided to cancel his book deal. It’s not cancel culture…it’s consequences,” u/neverwasthedragon pointed out.
There will, undoubtedly, be a number of good things about the Trump administration leaving the White House, but no longer having to care what the CEO of a bedding company has to say about…anything at all, really, is definitely up there for a lot of people.
*First Published: January 19, 2021, 6:57 am