Gage Skidmore/Flickr (both photos)
January 21, 2021, 10:17 am
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) got under a lot of people’s skins on Wednesday with a tweet about the United States reentering the Paris Climate Accord. It just so happened that actor and writer Seth Rogen was one of them—and they had a Twitter fight about it.
It started with Cruz posting a reaction to the U.S. rejoining most of the world’s nations in an agreement meant to combat climate change. Cruz wrote, “By rejoining the Paris Climate Agreement, President Biden indicates he’s more interested in the views of the citizens of Paris than in the jobs of the citizens of Pittsburgh. This agreement will do little to affect the climate and will harm the livelihoods of Americans.”
Folks pointed out flaws in that logic, including the obvious point that the accord was just created in Paris, and that it wasn’t explicitly about Paris. And, as many pointed out, including Brian Tyler Cohen, Cruz’s role in the post-election charades showed that maybe Cruz wasn’t so concerned about Pittsburgh residents either.
As Cohen noted, “You tried to disenfranchise every citizen of Pittsburgh by throwing out the election results in the entire state but sure, tell us more about how you’re looking out for the people of PA.”
But Rogen cut to the quick, stating, “F–k off, you fascist.”
Cruz countered by sarcastically calling Rogen’s riposte a “charming, civil, educated response,” then accusingly said, “If you’re a rich, angry Hollywood celebrity, today’s Dems are the party for you. If you’re blue-collar, if you’re a union member, if you work in energy or manufacturing…not so much.”
Again, Rogen employed two F-words, saying, “Haha get f—ked fascist. Go encourage a white supremacist insurrection again you f—king clown.”
Chrissy Teigen got her popcorn ready, stating, “I just want potus to see this lol,” presumably referring to newly-inaugurated President Joe Biden.
Cohen was back, with a dig at Cruz “letting” former President Donald Trump insult his wife when the two were campaigning in 2016, saying, “If you really want him to surrender, just insult his wife. He’ll be your best friend.”
Another responded to both of them with this awkward video moment from Cruz’s past.
One person used the moment to cast aspersions on Cruz’s political ambitions, saying, “And Rafael thinks he’s going to be president some day,” referring to Cruz’s real and rarely-used first name.
The Lincoln Project, continuing on a theme, called for Cruz to resign, but it seems like they would have done that even if Rogen hadn’t jumped in.
*First Published: January 21, 2021, 10:17 am