Dave Chappelle Blasts Capitol Rioters: “Who Is The Terrorist Now?”

dave chappelle capitol

Netflix Is A Joke/YouTube

February 15, 2021, 10:27 am

Leave it to comedians to point out the truth in an awful situation.


Dave Chappelle ripped into the Capitol rioters during a set last week, skewering them for their hypocrisy and their inability to control themselves.


“Watch that crowd that told Colin Kaepernick that he can’t kneel during a football game try to beat a police officer to death with an American flag,” he said. “Look at that shit.”

It’s hard to forget how poorly Kaepernick was treated for what was indisputably a peaceful protest on the football field. Between that, the Black Lives Matter protests, and the Capitol riot, it’s crystal clear that the rage against Kaepernick for taking a knee was nothing more than people being angry that attention was being brought to police brutality and racism on a national level.

And Chappelle isn’t the first to point out the hypocrisy of the “Back the Blue” crowd turning on the police when they didn’t do exactly what they wanted, but he summed up the absurdity of it all quite well.

“Who is the terrorist now, that they’re looking for?” he asked. “It’s you. Not me. Not my Black, Muslim ass. It’s you. Who are they militarizing the police for? They didn’t call the National Guard on my Black ass. It’s you.


“That’s what white people did. They felt what Black people have been feeling for 400 years for 30 minutes, storm the Capitol, and rub their shit on the walls. They carried a f—king Confederate flag to the rotunda. The Confederate Army didn’t even do that, motherf—kers. You went very far.”

Chappelle’s thoughts on the matter were largely echoed by people who watched the clip.




The full ten minute video also has Chappelle discussing slavery, his COVID-19 diagnosis, and his recent battle to get the rights back to Chappelle’s Show.

And in typical Chappelle fashion, he pulls zero punches the whole time.

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*First Published: February 15, 2021, 10:27 am

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