February 19, 2021, 8:40 am
The inability of members of the modern Republican Party to call their own out for bad decisions has became a defining characteristic during the Trump era.
So when Ted Cruz opted to hop down to Mexico for a little rest and relaxation in the middle of a deadly winter storm his state of Texas was tremendously ill-prepared to handle, rather than, say, actually do anything to help his constituents, we all knew the way his fellow GOPers would bend over backward to try to defend him would be incredible.
And they did not disappoint.
Let’s first make it clear that this isn’t a Democrat vs Republican issue in any way. A state senator quite literally abandoned his people during a crisis. He tried to skirt the truth about the circumstances and he tried to shift the blame to his daughters, claiming that he was just trying to be a “good dad.” Meanwhile, Texans of all walks of life are suffering and struggling and need both immediate relief and policy change so something like this doesn’t happen again.
But the Republicans defending Cruz insist that there’s nothing he could have done. “He can’t control the weather,” they say, as if that’s the actual issue here. Nevermind that Beto O’Rourke — Cruz’s former opponent — was organizing phone banks, or that Alexandria Ocasio Cortez was raising money for Texans on Twitter, or that there is always, always something to be done to help.
“If he’s in Cancun, that means he’s not using up valuable resources of energy, food and water that can now be used by someone else,” claimed Dinesh D’Souza, twisting himself into knots trying to justify Cruz’s ill-advised choice. “This is probably the best thing he could do for the state right now.”
His sentiments were echoed by far too many other Republicans, who are undoubtedly terrified that they may lose a hold on Texas due to Cruz’s repeated catastrophic blunders.
They have all been appropriately dragged for siding with the guy who doesn’t seem very interested in how the people who voted him into office are doing in the freezing cold.
The whole thing is almost a good distraction from Cruz’s involvement in the events leading up to the Capitol riots in January. Almost.
*First Published: February 19, 2021, 8:40 am