February 8, 2021, 7:44 am
Education in the United States has skewed white, male, and heterosexual for as long as anyone can remember, and any progress made towards being inclusive always seems to be met with resistance by folks hoping to maintain the status quo.
But at one school in Utah, the opposite has finally happened.
Maria Montessori Academy in North Ogden announced earlier this month that students would be allowed to opt-out of curriculum related to Black History Month if their parents wished — a decision that was immediately met with severe backlash.
According to the school’s director, Micah Hirokawa, the decision had been made after several parents complained about their children centering the history of Black Americans for a few weeks out of the year.
“We should not shield our children from the history of our Nation, the mistreatment of its African American citizens, and the bravery of civil rights leaders, but should educate them about it,” he wrote on Facebook.
The decision made national news, with many people expressing frustration that parents could and would choose to yank their kids out of lessons that weren’t about white figures in history, especially considering most schooling centers the white history of the United States basically all year long.
Disappointment in the decision came from within the school too, with some parents of students sharing their criticism on the initially Facebook post.
“I was appalled to see the form sent out that allows parents to opt their kids out of this and to hear that some parents have requested it,” wrote a woman who identified herself as a parent of MMA students.
The strong wave of backlash seemed to do the trick, with Hirokawa informing Insider that the opt out form is no longer available and that the school was able to work things out with parents who had initially requested their children be excused from the lessons.
*First Published: February 8, 2021, 7:44 am