February 17, 2021, 7:09 am
Anti-vaxxers never seem satisfied to just reject vaccines themselves—they have to harass others to either try to convince them not to get vaccinated or berate them if they already have been.
It’s something that’s gone on for years prior to the pandemic, as the anti-vaxxer movement has gained traction on social media platforms, but it’s being drawn into clear focus as the whole world tries to overcome the pandemic.
According to a recent article from The Daily Beast, pregnant women, in particular, are being targeted by anti-vaxxers, who believe that they are endangering their unborn children by getting vaccinated.
The World Health Organization has offered some contradictory guidelines for people who are pregnant and considering the vaccine, due in part to them being excluded from the clinical trials.
But doctors—including Dr. Fauci—have repeatedly come out suggesting that not only is getting the COVID vaccine safe if you’re pregnant, but that pregnant people are actually at a higher risk for facing the more severe effects of the virus should they encounter it.
“I want to point out that since the [emergency use authorization] and under the EUA, approximately 20,000 pregnant women have been vaccinated with no red flags, as we say, and this is being monitored by the CDC and the FDA,” Fauci said.
But this doesn’t faze the anti-vaxxers, who seem to reject any science that doesn’t confirm their existing views.
And in fact, some have taken it upon themselves to seek out women who got the vaccine and miscarried and, as The Daily Beast so aptly put it, leap “quickly from coincidence to causation” and place the blame on the vaccine.
One woman targeted by anti-vaxxer attacks had actually miscarried prior to receiving the vaccine—but facts, unsurprisingly, didn’t seem to matter.
“How soulless and predatory of someone to take someone’s heartbreak and modify it so further their own agenda,” Dr. Michelle Rockwell wrote on Instagram while trying to discourage the spread of that misinformation. “Remember there is a human on the other side of the screen. Who has feelings. Who feels heartache.”
Still, anti-vaxxers have shared posts blaming her and the vaccine for her miscarriage over and over again, across various social media platforms. And she isn’t the only one.
According to The Daily Beast, other women have seen the information about their miscarriages twisted, their stories mashed up with those of other women entirely to fit the existing agenda, and even women who carried healthy babies to term after receiving the vaccine have been accused of endangerment and abuse and all sorts of other absurd things.
It’s amazing that the anti-vaxxer creed is supposedly that they have every right to decide what goes into their own bodies, regardless of the health and safety of everyone around them, but clearly don’t believe the same is true for anyone who believes differently than they do.
It takes a certain kind of person to look at someone going through the trauma of losing a future child and decide to double down by blaming them for it, especially when they know nothing about the circumstances other than a single detail that fits their agenda.
h/t The Daily Beast
*First Published: February 17, 2021, 7:09 am