February 20, 2021, 9:01 am
Popular meme account @quentin.quarantino is run by a 25-year-old named Tommy Marcus, and he became incredibly popular during quarantine after pledging to post a meme every 30 minutes during quarantine in March 2020. At the time, Marcus thought that quarantine would only be two weeks and, well, here we are!
In August, GOOD reports that Marcus started using his platform to raise money by selling his own merch and donating 20 percent of the proceeds to organizations like Planned Parenthood, No Kid Hungry, Stacey Abrams’ Fair Fight. His fundraising seems to best when he’s trolling people. Some might argue that trolling a dead guy is a step too far, but the late conservative radio Rush Limbaugh seems to be the exception.
People were all too happy to honor his memory in a way he would have hated.
Marcus decided to raise money for Planned Parenthood in Rush Limbaugh’s name, because the man was staunchly anti-PP and basically anti-woman, too.
That $100 is just a drop in the bucket. Marcus has raised over half a million dollars for Planned Parenthood, all donated under Limbaugh’s name.
“There needed to be some kind of counterbalance in the universe for the decades of sexist, homophobic, racist, and endlessly discriminatory propaganda that Rush spewed through the airwaves,” he told GOOD. “In my mind, Rush biased an entire generation and really helped set the stage for the dangerously incendiary Trump culture we are still contending with.”
Marcus has been getting DMs from people thanking him for what he’s doing. Whether it would piss off Limbaugh or not, PP has made a huge difference in the lives of many people.
Marcus told GOOD that he wants people to remember that Planned Parenthood provides essential health services that include abortion, but that’s not their primary work.
“I think PP gets so unfairly and unreasonably pigeonholed — by both advocates and opponents — in the polarizing space of abortion when the truth of the matter is that sexual and reproductive health is an essential human right,” he added.
If there’s anything good that came out of Rush Limbaugh’s life, it’s this.
*First Published: February 20, 2021, 9:01 am