February 16, 2021, 10:12 am
Everyone who wasn’t born with a silver spoon in hand has had the experience of trying to pay for something in change. It’s embarrassing more often than not, even if the cashier is understanding and patient with the spectacle. No one wants to pay in pennies, but sometimes, it’s the best you can do.
But apparently, it isn’t good enough for Walmart.
A TikTok that seems to show a customer getting turned away from his Walmart pharmacy after counting out coins has left viewers scratching their heads.

“So I can’t get my medication because you don’t take American money?” the man asks. “Is that what you’re saying? You don’t take American money?”
The video was recorded by the customer behind him in line, @thrist101, and any response from the pharmacists at the window are unable to be heard.

“It’s American money. You give it back in change every day. What is so hard?” he continues. “I save my ass up to get money to buy medication and you won’t take it. Not everybody is rich, you know. Not everybody has a credit card. This is money. It’s taken at every bank in the United States. It’s taken at every business in the United States except for, apparently, Walmart.”

It’s completely unclear why the pharmacists refused to take the man’s money. Based on the side of the conversation we are able to hear, there’s nothing to suggest he didn’t have enough, or that there was something wrong with it.
“I worked at Walmart for 5 years and I can tell you this is very unethical,” one viewer commented. “I could’ve called corporate. They can’t refuse coins. EVER! Money is money.”
Some people pointed out that smaller stores have switched to accepting cards only for safety during the pandemic. Walmart, however, is not among them.
Whatever the specifics of what happened, people were frustrated and appalled that this man was unable to get his medication.
A slightly longer video of the encounter shows that the man did, in fact, leave without the meds he came to Walmart to get.
*First Published: February 16, 2021, 10:12 am