Woman Dragged Out Of Bar By Hair For Not Wearing A Mask


February 15, 2021, 12:04 pm

A woman named Bliss Causby was dragged out of a bar by the hair in Chattanooga, Tennessee, by a female security guard after a fight broke out over Causby not wearing a mask.


Causby posed a video of the assault on her own Instagram page, writing, “Last weekend I went out to a bar after dinner to play pool with friends. I was standing next to my table drinking a beer and a lady security cop asked me to leave for not having on my mask. I questioned her and she became very aggressive and pushed me. I told her not to put her hands on me that I would leave and this happened.”


Causby then says she was thrown on the ground and dragged across the bar floor like “an animal.”

She adds that the video doesn’t show that the security guard was allegedly punching her in the face and kicking her.

“I was kicking at her ankles trying to get loose afraid that she was going to throw me down the stairs,” she writes. “My guy friend finally pulled me up and took me out.”

Causby says she should have called the police but she was “humiliated and hysterical” and then pleas with her followers to help her figure out what to do.


Local TV station WRBCTV interviewed Causby, and reached out to the Chattanooga Billiard Club, who had “no comment.” Causby has also reached out to the CBC, saying, “I filed a complaint with them and they said they didn’t know the name of the company they were using.”

According to Causby, the security guard had asked to put on her mask once before and she complied. She took it off to drink inside the bar and was approached by the guard again. She says she told the security guard she was going to leave, and that’s when she was attacked. She denies that she swung at the guard at any point.


The Chattanooga Police Department is investigating the incident and the CBC said that they will not release the surveillance footage without a subpoena.

Reaction to Causby’s plight has been mixed, as many are fed up with both anti-maskers and wearing masks. But it is illegal to assault someone, so the law is likely on Causby’s side should she bring the matter to court.

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*First Published: February 15, 2021, 12:04 pm

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