Left Twitter has fallen in love with Representative Tim Ryan after he dropped the niceties and chewed out the Republican congress members for caring more about some Dr. Seuss books than struggling U.S. workers.
Video of him shouting at them so loud it’s messing up his face mask rapidly spread among people who have wanted to yell directly at these conservative lawmakers like this for years.
“Heaven forbid we pass something that’s going to help the damn workers in the United States of America!” he shouted.
“Heaven forbid we tilt the balance that’s been going in the wrong direction for 50 years! We talk about pensions, you complain. We talk about the minimum wage increase, you complain. We talk about giving them the right to organize, you complain. But if we were passing a tax cut here, you’d be all getting in line to vote yes for it. Now stop talking about Dr. Seuss and start working with us on behalf of the American workers!”
Ryan was speaking in support of the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act, which would offer additional protections and support to workers fighting to organize into labor unions and gain some of their power back from corporate overlords. Republicans, of course, are doing everything they can to obstruct the bill, being an anti-union party.
Though their opposition to the bill was expected, Ryan is clearly fed up with his colleagues acting like “cancel culture” is more important than real people struggling to survive as the buying power of their stagnated wages declines. Most recently, Republicans have been freaking out over the decision by the company who owns the rights to the Dr. Seuss books to retire a few of them that contain blatantly racist imagery.
If you listened to nothing but U.S. Republicans lately, you might think that the country’s biggest problems were children’s books, plastic potatoes, and trans kids trying to play sports in peace.
“In the late 70s, a CEO made 35 times the worker,” said Ryan during another part of his speech. “Today it’s three to 400 times the worker. And our friends on the other side … running around with their hair on fire.”
People who are enduring this and other worsening workplace conditions found it highly refreshing to hear somebody yelling what they’ve been screaming in their heads all this time.
*First Published: March 10, 2021, 3:20 pm