Although we may not have to hear from former President Donald Trump quite as often anymore, between the Twitter ban and the whole “losing the presidency in a massive defeat” situation, he’s still out there. And every once in a while, he does rear up and say something that spreads across social media even without his explicit presence.
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And his statements are just as ridiculous as ever.
On Wednesday, he released something that sounds very much like one of the unhinged 3 am tweets that always made Americans wonder why nobody took away Trump’s phone—similar wording, just on his official 45th President of the United States letterhead.
“I hope everyone remembers when they’re getting the COVID-19 (often referred to as the China Virus) Vaccine, that if I wasn’t President, you wouldn’t be getting that beautiful “shot” for 5 years, at best, and probably wouldn’t be getting it all,” he wrote. “I hope everyone remembers!”
It feels almost fruitless to point out the lies in everything Trump says at this point, as everything he says is constantly filled with lies.
But claiming that Americans wouldn’t have received a vaccine for five years if anyone else had been president is pure fantasy, with not even a smidge of evidence to suggest that might be the case.
What’s also true is that Trump’s coronavirus response was disastrous and likely resulted in the deaths of many Americans who would have survived had we had a competent leader who took the virus seriously instead of spending months playing it down in the hopes it wouldn’t affect his campaign for reelection.
As usual, people were incredulous that this guy was really our president, and really says inane and moronic stuff like this.
But mostly, people just wanted to know why anyone is continuing to share anything Trump says on social media. He’s not the president, he’s banned from Twitter, and we don’t have to listen to him anymore.
The worst thing we could ever do to Trump is to simply ignore him. Hopefully one day we will.
*First Published: March 11, 2021, 6:39 am