Photo via @crazy4fun72/TikTok
March 8, 2021, 12:20 pm*
A TikTok user with the display name “KingTrump72” published a video in which she claims that President Joe Biden is not currently the president of the U.S. or in the White House but being filmed from a movie set. Furthermore, the rest of us are all very, very stupid for not knowing this.
“All you people that think Biden is the president, you guys cannot get no stupider, okay?” she says. “He’s not in the White House, it’s closed down. He is on a movie set. You guys are so f—ing ignorant that I just have to laugh, laugh, laugh.”
The video was outrageous enough to break through all the other absurd videos swirling around the vortex of hell that is Twitter and land on the Fifty Shades of Whey account, where it has received over 1.5 million views. Over on this woman’s TikTok account, this video is one of a series filmed from her couch in the same “don’t mess with this” shirt calling Biden supporters “ignert” for thinking he’s president.

“Never one time did Trump ever have to fake anything he’s done,” she falsely claimed. “Not one time. He don’t fake s–t. Why is Biden faking he’s in the White House? Oh, um, because he’s not your president!”
The idea that Biden is not actually president and is filming from a fake Oval Office on a movie set is becoming increasingly common among QAnon believers to the point that Reuters did an entire fact check article on the subject. The theory claims that the video footage of Biden in the White House is being filmed from Castle Rock in Hollywood, where they did scenes from movies like Independence Day.
Their “evidence” includes certain cosmetic changes to the Oval Office (commonly made by new presidents) and even that Donald Trump can be seen in the background of some of the footage. Why Trump would be in the background of something supposedly being made to convince people that Biden is president is a complete mystery.
Reuters was able to debunk all of these claims in one article without breaking a sweat, but KingTrump72 is still making videos.
“How dumb can you be, like, you’re so dumb,” she concludes. “You’re the dumbest people I’ve ever met in my life. Educate yourself, people.”
Over on Twitter, the feeling is mutual.
*First Published: March 8, 2021, 12:19 pm