Photo via @timjsully/Twitter
March 30, 2021, 11:29 am
Amazon is once making headlines after appearing to undermine efforts by their lowest-paid and worst-treated employees to unionize.
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After the whole debacle with Amazon News suggesting that the workers who have reported needing to urinate in bottles to get through a shift are liars, people are starting to uncover and expose clear “sock puppet” accounts pretending to be real Amazon employees.
Perhaps the poorest attempt at this was the account of “Burt” who declared himself a “Happy Amazon employee” in his Twitter bio that was created in March 2021 and has zero followers. Oh, and he’s also apparently a member of an “American sports and comedy group” called Dude Perfect based out of Texas that is suddenly getting a lot of publicity.


Democratic party researcher Tim Sullivan was was easily able to find the source of the young man in the backwards hat in a photo of the group that comes up in the top spot of a Google search for the group’s name. His tweet exposing this, along with a tweet falsely claiming that union members have to “shell out hundreds a month just for lawyers” went viral in less than a day.
You would think that a company with as much money as Amazon would know how easy it is for people to reverse-search images on the internet—if the company is, in fact, responsible for the fake accounts.
Another notable example emerged after another account accused of being a sock puppet had to backpedal hard for saying that she couldn’t afford union dues because she was only just scraping by as it is — on an Amazon wage.


“What bothers me most about unions is there’s no ability to opt out of dues!” wrote “Darla” on Twitter. “As a single mother with two boys I’m barely scraping by as it is.”
After people began pointing out that she might be able to afford more things if she got a raise via union negotiations and maybe the problem is that Amazon isn’t paying her enough, Darla slammed into reverse, blaming herself and her personal choice to have two children for her situation.
“Amazon takes great care of me!” she insisted. “It isn’t anyone’s fault that I have children to take care of, that makes my person expenses higher than most.”
By the time people were making fun of “Darla” for exposing this clear contradiction that only serves as an argument in favor of unions, whoever was behind the account was a step away from begging for mercy.
“I love everyone’s passion about this important issue and I apologize if any of my rhetoric has reflected poorly on Amazon. Of course Amazon understands the value of unions and is not anti-union in any way.”
She then proceeded to kiss the butt of Amazon’s new CEO. Less than 24 hours later, the account had been suspended.
After these two disasters, it’s become something of a trend on Twitter to pretend to be anti-union Amazon sock puppet accounts because it’s extremely funny.
*First Published: March 30, 2021, 11:29 am