Republicans Pearl-Clutch Over Jill Biden Wearing Some Patterned Tights One Night

With a Democrat in office again, Republicans are having trouble filling the time in their day that used to be reserved for defending everything Donald Trump did. While there are plenty of things about the current administration one could find fault with, Republicans attempting this tend to encounter a serious threat of being called hypocrites for supporting the same or worse policies when Trump did it.

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This could explain why they feel the need to attack the First Lady for anything they could possibly come up with, including inconsequential fashion choices, apparently unfazed by the inevitability of others pointing out how obviously sexist this is.


Conservatives online have taken to calling what look like a simple pair of patterned tights “fishnet stockings,” which is inaccurate because fishnets require actual holes in the fabric, and calling Dr. Biden “trashy.”


Regardless of anyone’s personal opinions on some leg accessories, this continues a right-wing tradition of hyper-focusing on the physical appearance of First Ladies rather than on their actions or those of their husbands, which have real impacts on the nation.

This problem was particularly bad for Michelle Obama thanks to the intersecting impacts of racism, with conservatives melting down and/or attacking her appearance any time she wore pretty much anything. This even leaked onto her husband, with the infamous Obama tan suit being one of the biggest scandals that Republicans could manufacture against him.

Even with Melania, though the comments on her appearance turned to praise, Republicans seemed to have a hard time shifting their focus from her face, body, and clothing to talk about anything she actually did during her time in the White House. Of course, this was perhaps impacted by the fact that Melania didn’t do much other than turn Christmas trees into visions of bloody horror.


As many have already pointed out, at least Dr. Jill Biden has never worn a coat saying “I really don’t care, do u?” to a trip to the border to look upon the children her husband locked up in cages.

Maybe someday women will be able to hold positions of power without people hyperventilating over how they look, but conservatives are determined to make sure that today is not that day.



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*First Published: April 6, 2021, 11:18 am

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