A reporter for the Beverly Hills Courier, writing about anti-mask protests in Santa Monica earlier this week, shared hilarious videos from his Twitter account of high school students trolling the protesters. Even better: They did it using references to the popular cartoon series Spongebob Squarepants.
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The video comes courtesy of Samuel Braslow, who tweeted out videos he took while following anti-mask protesters through the Los Angeles metro area on Monday.
At one point in the timeline, he captured video to accompany the tweet, “A group of Santa Monica High seniors mount a counter-protest…to protest labor conditions at the Krusty Crab?”
He noted, “They are soon joined by Squidward,” and indeed, the video starts with several of the students holding Krusty Krab signs, and then greeting a fellow classmate coming down the street. That student is carrying a cardboard cutout of the perpetually disgruntled octopus’s head and his own sign protesting labor conditions at the fictional restaurant.
“This is better than school!” one of them remarked.
“This is better than school,” another concurred.
Braslow went on to post photos of the mock protest in another tweet. “‘Krusty Krab Unfair’ and ‘Valet Parking’ among the counter protesters’ signs,” he noted.
He then added a second video to the thread, which showed a student with a “Legalize Ranch” sign and another with an “I Hate Signs” sign entering the arena.
Then, they actually encountered the anti-mask protesters. One asked where the Krusty Krab was, getting a range of answers including “At the bottom of the ocean,” “Valet parking,” and “The Krusty Krab is a metaphor for society.”
Braslow then detailed their parting of ways, relaying “the protesters decide to leave, telling the high schoolers that they are ‘so indoctrinated.’ As they go, the seniors tell them not to forget valet parking or legalizing ranch.”
As Patch’s Nicole Charky reported, the anti-mask protesters were “harassing students and parents” at several Santa Monica schools. One father told them, “You’re not supposed to talk to other people’s children, OK?” adding, “You’re walking around a school. Creepy.”
She added, “Some parents tried to talk to the protesters, including Dr. Blaine Pope, who works in public health. But when the protesters compared mask-wearing to slavery he and his daughter, who are Black, disagreed.”
The article added that the protests Monday were part of a series of anti-mask protests throughout the Los Angeles area, including a recent protest outside a Beverly Hills Sephora, another last week at a Santa Monica childhood development center, and another outside Hawthorne Elementary School in Beverly Hills.
It does appear, however, that Santa Monica High might have happened upon a formula protecting that school from future episodes.
*First Published: May 7, 2021, 6:16 am