Embarrassed Husband Yells At Woman After She Spits On Someone For “Stealing” Her Parking Spot

Will unhinged white women ever learn how to behave in public? The answer is no, because the Karens have historically had few consequences for bad behavior. Still, there have been phones with cameras on them long enough for these angry ladies to understand that they will likely be film acting out of pocket, and that video absolutely will make its way to the Internet.

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This woman freaking out over a parking space who was posted on Reddit’s r/trashy somehow seems to be unaware of the fact that when someone is pointing a phone at your face they’re recording it.


The clip was originally posted by u/evapjyro under the title, “Woman spits on someone over a ‘stolen parking spot’ that she ‘saw first.’”

First, she rolls up with guns blazing:


Winds up to spit:



And then lets loose, trying to get the spit through the crack on the window:


Not surprisingly, her man seems to think this is a step too far, maybe realizing he’ll be the one who has to fight if anyone gets out of the car:



But she won’t be subdued, yelling back at the car like a howler monkey:


It’s quite a ride:

An article on BlogTo reports that the footage was taken in Toronto, kept the videographer anonymous, referring to them as “M.”


M was backing into a spot when the woman started waving at him as though to tell him not to park there. They insisted they were planning to reverse into it as well, but M says their car was far down the road, indicating they’d “missed their chance.”

“I was halfway in and this lady came and stood behind my car,” said M. “I could not reverse any further.”

M considered driving away and giving them the spot, but then the woman approached the car, escalating the situation.

“I turned off my engine and stood there while she went ranting and abusing. A gentleman who was walking his dog had an argument with her as well. He told her she was wrong and she should just leave,” said M. “Her husband came and started talking to me, repeating that ‘this was their parking spot,’ to which I told him that it was a car parking spot not a human parking spot.”

M threatened to start filming and the couple walked away, then came back, which is when the camera came on.


“I never expected her to actually go ahead and spit on me,” says M. “I thought seeing me recording would discourage her from doing anything stupid, but I guess I was wrong.”

People really can’t be discouraged from doing something stupid when they’re determined to be stupid.

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*First Published: May 5, 2021, 9:16 am

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