Working as a nanny is a really difficult job, because the kind of people who can afford full-time nannies are often the most entitled people you’ll meet in this world. Well, some of them are okay, but definitely not this couple that tried to hire actor Hollis Jane Andrews back when she was still auditioning for the role.
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Andrews shared the list of responsibilities she received from parents looking for a “Magical Nanny/Housekeeper,” who she later realized were Scientologists.
I don’t know what tipped Andrews off, but right at the top, they titled the list “Hat Write up,” and HAT is what Scientologists call jobs. But in the main paragraph there are a lot of signs as well:
The main focus is to ensure their basic body rudiments are kept in, so that they are not crying/upsetting the rest of the house…This means, if I am training I don’t want to hear crying or tantrums or headbutting. If the boys are at all noisy, take them OUT of the house. If they hurt themselves, keep quiet, apply Dianetics & assist tech always.
Applying Dianetics and assist tech is not something I want to know how to do, and neither did Andrews because she didn’t take the job. There’s still more craziness in this write-up, though!

Whoever wrote this list, desperately wants the nanny to be laughing, playing, and making eye contact every second of the day, and not allow a second of breathing room.
“If they are crying and yelling, they are not happy and as a nanny you need to get them back happy again,” they write. I don’t know, in my experience, children often start losing it when they are overstimulated and tired, so maybe all this happiness would make things worse.
After hours of relentless playing, the nanny is then expected to put them down for a nap with a protein bottle (???), and then the author writes, “Whilst they are asleep you magically transform into a cleaning nazi.”
Wow, what an amazing gig.

People were shocked by how much work and how high the expectations on this list were, especially after she revealed that the pay was only $13 an hour.
But there was a whole lot to dissect, like who is making all this food while the nanny is forced to smile and laugh and play without respite?
I feel for whoever ended up taking this job, especially because they were probably forced into it by Sea Org.
*First Published: May 7, 2021, 9:06 am