Thomas Good / NLN/Wikimedia Commons
May 7, 2021, 7:31 am
Naomi Wolf has upped her controversial game during the pandemic, going full blast when it comes to things like COVID conspiracy theories and being very against vaccinations.
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As we’re in the vaccine stage of the pandemic right now, the author’s anti-vaxx views and insistence that it’s time to reopen everything everywhere without restrictions are under particular scrutiny.
Wolf’s Twitter feed is filled with retweets from people who call the COVID vaccines nothing more than experimenting on children, encourage the world to band together and fight mask mandates, and push conspiracy theories about governments and pharmaceutical companies manufacturing the whole pandemic to begin with.
And even her friends are apparently fed up with it.
“I get daily texts from friends and former friends telling me to ‘stop,’” she wrote on Thursday. “One just messaged ‘you’re doing incalculable harm.’ They don’t offer ANY evidence. They don’t say I’m factually wrong. They just say ‘stop.’ That’s how transparency and journalism die and tyrannies solidify.”
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One only has to read the tweet while knowing Wolf is an anti-vaxxer to understand immediately how hilarious it is. Complaining that they have no evidence about their claims? Bemoaning that this is how journalism dies? Oh my, who could imagine?
Of course, sometimes standing strong in the face of adversity is an admirable trait. But when numerous people who are close to you and care about you say that maybe you should step away from the computer and pull yourself together before continuing to do harm, there’s probably a good reason for it.
Wolf has made such a mess in the past few years that people don’t seem to find dunking on her much of a worthwhile challenge anymore, but some were still willing to give it a go.
Rather than reconsider the fact that she may actually be tremendously wrong about everything—or that, at the very least, maybe she shouldn’t be throwing her concerned friends under the bus on Twitter—Wolf has instead chosen to pin her tweet about how her friends have offered up no “evidence” of her persistent bad choices. Because of course she did.
*First Published: May 7, 2021, 7:31 am