Photo via u/d3333p7/Reddit
May 7, 2021, 12:58 pm
A resurfaced video from 2019 is going viral on Reddit for showing a cheering crowd of young people who are probably college students as a young man gets cash donations from people while a cop is writing him a ticket for some offense related to drinking outside.
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Many states in the U.S. have “open container” laws that prohibit people from having open alcohol bottles and cans in public spaces, including in front of what looks like it could easily be a frat house.
Little context for the video can be found, but everyone seems to agree that it’s extremely awesome.
As the video starts, a woman who could reasonably be described as sounding intoxicated yells “more, more, more” as people begin to approach the young man sitting on the curb to hand him cash. Right next to him stands the police officer in the process of writing the ticket. The camera soon pans to reveal a massive crowd of young people in front of a large house as well as a number of other police officers, all of whom start to converge on the scene as the sound of cheering amplifies.
More and more people hand the young man their spare cash as he holds up a fistful of it into the air and the cop hands him the ticket. Perhaps the funniest part of the sound of the young woman filming the whole thing shouting “yes” in a way that sounds like she just witnessed a holy miracle and has been reduced to tears.
Depending on what the offense really was, whether an open container violation, public drunkenness, or a case of underage drinking, the ticket was likely anywhere from less than $100 to a couple hundred. Either way, judging by the amount of cash he had in his hand by the end of the video, he probably could have paid it off immediately.
The video has reached over 61,000 upvotes on the Public Freakout Reddit forum as people resoundingly enjoy the scene of people coming together to help out a guy getting a ticket for something that was very unlikely to hurt anyone, other than possibly himself the next morning in the form of a hangover. It was such a perfect scene that it sounds like one of those obviously fake stories where “everyone clapped” at the end.
“Dude if it weren’t for the cameras could you imagine telling this story to your friends?” said one Reddit commenter. “There is no way they would believe you.”
“This is the college equivalent of everyone coughing when your cellphone rang in high school,” said another. “Some events just unify populations.”
We all hope that kid and everyone who helped him out had an amazing time for the rest of their day or Spring Break or whatever was going on there.
*First Published: May 7, 2021, 12:58 pm