Photo via u/luvpeachy/Reddit
May 7, 2021, 1:53 pm
A video posted to Reddit’s “Public Freakout” forum shows a young woman (or possibly underage girl) angrily approaching a pair of older men sitting at a table at a beach and accusing one of them of taking photos of her and other women and girls without their consent.
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She demands that he delete the photos while informing him that she’s filming, and he immediately admits to the creepy behavior, showing her his phone, which is full of beach photos of young ladies in swimsuits.
“Excuse me, I just seen you guys take pictures of all these women and I have you on record right now, I would like to see you delete my pictures that you took of me and to delete all these other women’s pictures that you’re taking,” she says.
“Okay,” he responds.
It’s frankly incredible how quickly and easily he admits to his creeping, but all credit where it’s due to the young lady who boldly and forcefully confronted him, leaving him with little choice other than to comply or be exposed as a pervert. Thankfully, she exposed him anyway.
“Delete them all, right now,” she says. “All of them. All of them! Where’s the others? Oh, oh, here’s some more!”
She begins scrolling through the photos herself, showing to her own camera just how many photos this guy took of people on the beach without asking. As she sees just how many there are and searches for the one she believes he took of her, she starts really laying into them in a way that is deeply satisfying to watch for any woman who has been creeped on by older men in public.
After a bit of this, the other man at the table tells her to “go away,” which he probably shouldn’t have done.
“I’m not gonna go away, you guys are f—ing perverts, taking pictures of all these people! No!”
The man with the white beard starts whining out excuses, saying he’s not a pervert and doesn’t have a phone on him, which makes little sense considering the fact that he wasn’t the one she was yelling at in the first place.
“This man does, and you guys are taking pictures of all these women, that is disgusting!” she shouts.
She continues to search through the orange shirt guy’s photos, angrily demanding that he delete all of the ones sneakily featuring young women and girls in swimsuits even as a tries to pretend he doesn’t see them clearly in the background of the photos of his friend. He then tries to deny taking any photos of her specifically, claiming he was taking pictures in the opposite direction, and she has every reason not to believe him.
By the end, she’s clearly fed up with it.
“If you guys know these people, these people are f—ing perverts, and they’re at Fort Myers Beach.”
This beach is, of course, in Florida.
Apart from a number of gross comments trying to defend the behavior of these men, which all women understand to be very common and clearly not a case of tourists just trying to preserve the memory of what women in bikinis look like in other states, many commenters have condemned the men and supported the women who took the video. Plenty of women have also given their own stories of catching men doing this and other creepy things to them and their friends.
“I don’t get why guys do this,” said one commenter. “The internet is filled to bursting with nudes and porn and they still need to go creeping on women in public? It’s the same with guys going on dating sites and demanding nudes. Learn to use PornHub and ImageFap ffs.”
“I completely approve of this freak out,” said another. “Pervs take pictures of women, men, children, etc, all the time without permission and it’s gross.”
Other Reddit users expressed their disgust at the commenters defending the creepy old men by saying that taking pervy photos of people without their consent is okay because it’s technically not illegal or that women ask for it by daring to dress in swimsuits in the year 2021.
“Every time a video like this gets posted yall come out with the ‘its not illegal though,’” wrote one user. “Lots of things arent illegal but theyre frowned upon and both this dude and airport dude deleted that s–t and listened to the women because they knew they were in the wrong. Yall just in here snitchin on yourselves because this must be the s–t yall do with all that support.”
*First Published: May 7, 2021, 1:53 pm