July 2, 2021, 9:30 am
There are a lot of horrible conditions at Amazon warehouses that we all know about, but this TikTok of workers being admonished for packing up a station one minute early seems to be shocking people just the same.
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Posted by @amazonassociatef1, it gives a view of a workstation where someone is mechanically packing and taping up boxes as a supervisor admonishes everyone over what sounds like an intercom system.
“It is 9:59,” they say.

“Not 10 o’clock guys.”

“If you are on your way to break you are getting TOT as we speak,” they add.

“TOT” is the acronym for “time off task,” which the Daily Dot reports means that Amazon will consider a break and not compensate them for. So, one minute off your paycheck.
There were a lot of commenters totally disgusted with the video, saying the whole thing is an unnecessary power trip, and that nobody is getting extra minutes when the company oversteps their own time boundaries.


But weirdly, a lot of people were defending Amazon, Jeff Bezos, and the idea that work should be a hellish fascist landscape at all times:


There are definitely expectations for employee productivity that make sense, but people working for Amazon sometimes pee and poop in the aisles because there’s no time for bathroom breaks. Does that seem reasonable to you?
*First Published: July 2, 2021, 9:30 am