Capitol Rioter Called Himself, Other Rioters Stupid In Newly Released FBI Transcripts

lev radin/Shutterstock

October 17, 2021, 10:11 am

Nine months after the attack on the Capitol, and many people who were either involved or supported what happened still don’t think they did anything wrong. There are still claims of election fraud, still people who see rioter Ashli Babbitt as a martyr, and still concerns that the lack of real consequences will just have this happening again.

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But Danny Rodriguez, the rioter who shocked Officer Mike Fanone with a stun gun, has apparently had a few realizations about the atrocities he was involved in on that day, according to transcripts released to the public.

Rodriguez was outed as one of the insurrectionists thanks to a HuffPost article earlier this year. It labels him a “well-known” Trump supporter in Los Angeles who had been seen in footage from various pro-Trump events throughout recent years. 


But once he was brought in, all his bravado seemed to disappear. The transcripts featured Rodriguez repeatedly calling himself stupid, crying, and admitting that he’s both embarrassed and ashamed of tasing Fanone.

“Are we all that stupid that we thought we were going to go do this and save the country and it was all going to be fine after?” he asked at one point. “We really thought that. That’s so stupid, huh?”

Several Twitter users have dissected the transcripts of the FBI’s chats with Rodriguez, which show the story of someone who was radicalized by far right media figures and fell for a lot of false information, to the point of becoming violent.


Rodriguez has been charged on eight counts, including civil disorder and assaulting an officer.

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*First Published: October 17, 2021, 10:11 am

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