Conservative, Anti-Mask Cardinal Who Claimed Vaccines Contain Microchips Is On A Ventilator

cardinal burke

Stephanie Le/Shutterstock

August 17, 2021, 4:53 am*

Cardinal Raymond L. Burke is an ultra-conservative Catholic who has been warning his parishioners that the vaccine was being used to implant microchips for mind control, The Daily Mail reports, and was particularly offended by the use of cells derived from abortions in the vaccine’s development in the 1970s and ’80s. He also avoids using masks and encourages his followers to follow that choice as well.

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“The thought of the introduction of such a vaccine into one’s body is rightly abhorrent,” he said. “Also, there is a certain movement to insist that now everyone must be vaccinated against the coronavirus COVID-19 and even that a kind of microchip needs to be placed under the skin of every person so that at any moment he or she can be controlled by the State regarding health and about other matters which we can only imagine.”


Since making these statements, Cardinal Burke has contracted COVID-19, and been put on a ventilator in a Wisconsin hospital. Burke contracted the virus while visiting the state from Rome; it’s where he was born and raised. His condition was announced on Twitter:

The tweet claimed that Burke prayed for those suffering from coronavirus and asked that people now pray for him. There are certainly plenty of replies from the faithful wishing the Cardinal a speedy recovery, but lots of people are pointing out how his own conservative agenda put him in this position and endangered the lives of countless others:


After serving as bishop of the diocese of La Crosse in Wisconsin, Burke was archbishop of St. Louis, Missouri, but then in 2014, he was demoted by Pope Francis to a ceremonial title, as Francis is considerably more liberal than Burke. His religious career has been shaped by his political beliefs, and this is where it’s brought him.

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*First Published: August 17, 2021, 4:52 am

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