A white woman who grabbed a Black child to prevent him from going into the community pool has been charged after footage of the incident went viral, says the boy’s mother.
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Heather J Brown took her children to her community’s pool on July 6. For whatever reason, a member of the HOA committee tried to stop the family from entering, despite Brown’s protests that her son had been there yesterday and that the woman actually knows her.
The nosy neighbor continued to block the gate until Brown’s young son simply opened it and ran through. He was swiftly grabbed by the white woman, and as he struggled to get away from her, Brown flipped from trying to work things out to demanding the woman to get her hands off of her child.
She hands her infant off to her older son and tells the woman she’s going to call the police and have her arrested for laying hands on a minor. It isn’t until that threat that the woman finally lets the boy go.
According to a later video update shared by Brown to shed more light on what happened, the original video was taken by a neighbor at the pool and she didn’t find out about it until it was handed over to her and the police.
“She took that video because there’s been issues where people on the HOA pool committee…that single out children who aren’t white,” Brown explained. “It just is what it is. Because this day, she let two white boys in in front of my kids but told my kids they had to wait outside.”
And it’s a good thing the video existed, because the Karen allegedly tried to play the victim once the police finally showed up.
“When the police officer came, I told him what happened, and then he went to get her story. And her story was that I attacked her,” Brown said. “Of course, the police officer was starting to believe her at first, based on just the way we look. She’s an older white lady and her whole tone changed.”
Fortunately, the footage made it perfectly clear that the white woman did, in fact, grab Brown’s son unprovoked, and Brown says she has been charged with misdemeanor assault on a child under 12, with a court date set for later this month.
She also claimed that the video going viral and charges being brought against the woman has caused several members of the HOA to harass her landlord in addition to spreading lies about both her and her children. But that hasn’t done anything to change the fact that she hopes the woman is prosecuted for her actions.
“I don’t care if my children are the devils themselves,” she said. “You don’t have the right to put your hands on nobody, let alone a child.”
*First Published: August 12, 2021, 6:01 am